Tintin - Pocket Essential (3rd ed.)

Pocket Essential, Paperback, 160 p.

Third Edition:
July 2011, ISBN 978-1-84243-608-0

Almost everything you need to know about TINTIN in one essential paperback guide. Each of the TINTIN books is reviewed with notes on characters, plot, influences, trivia, etc. Also covers the films and cartoons, and includes a biography of Hergé.

"Alternatively, for a lower-priced, boiled-down crash course, it would be hard to beat the new Pocket Essential Tintin by Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficier. Across 96 unillustrated paperback pages, they distil each album, giving its publishing history, plot, characters, continuity, influences, trivia and a helpful review. Their opening chapters offer succinct portraits of Hergé and of Tintin, whom they sum up as "the perfect symbol of the 20th century, a true witness of our era, spotlighting with astonishing clarity, all the highpoints of our recent history". They close with an appraisal of Tintin on film, TV, radio and stage and selected resources and websites."

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